Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So, my day so far:

it's been a good day.
Went into town with Ida for lunch. Ended up meeting Bernie, and she came with me home. And we've talked and talked and talked for ages about life and whatnot yea... Seems like things are going well for the both of us right now. Aws she said me be glowing naaaw haha Yeah SHUSH. Moving on. Oh and I had theeeeee best coffee today. Yum... and laughed ridiculously loud and a lot haha Yeah somehow we've been talking about the movie The Hot Chick today. Aah that shit always makes me laugh.

Also made the entire restaurant turn around and stare at me cause Ida kinda got me fired up about fun stuff and a commercial about beer. And they sing in it.. So I suddenly burst out loud and sing it : OH SHIT THAT'S GOOOOOD! A BEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!
Yeah my voice ain't pretty. lol

I forgot that we were around people for a moment there...yeah.

Anyway. my internet is still the same ol' cunt as always. But as long as my laptop is riiiight there in the corner then it does work. I just have to crawl into that corner as well and stay there haha

well, i'ma head out and meet Moa now!
I kinda forgot that she'd stay over here till tomorrow HAHA hello awkward me. Forgetting stuff. I blame Frost....yup.

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