Friday, January 4, 2013

The possession

well hello there friday people :D
How y'all doing? ^^

Ida left just a short while ago, we watched The Possession. It was a so so scary movie. Some creepy moments, and definitely a wee bit different from other exorcism movies. Most horror movies like that tend to have a connection to the catholic church... well, this was just different. Never the less, totally alright. It was about a box, and a demon locked inside that box. Of course a stupid kid has to be all like 'Oooooooh what a nice box! MY BOX! I'ma open that shit even though it says DO NOT OPEN lalalalalal!'.  Oh and lol, the only black person died. hah... it's like Turk says: Black people always die first. haha

What I hate the most is when people say 'based on a true story'. Cause shit like this can scare me half to death. Good thing I have Lei Lei the anti-ghost dog. haha Chow chows are said to repel evil spirits so high five for me picking a good breed! lol

Imagine seeing two fingers suddenly popping up in your throat...
What a pleasant surprise.


yeeeaaah... that kid ain't vegetarian anymore. Nope.
One would think the mommy would react to some "weird" things about her daughter but.. meh.

'Raaaawr... Om nom nom nom!'

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