I'm sitting at my babys laptop right now.
I'm not used to american keyboards really haha
We've gone to the store today. bought a card for my sister, and some small stuff for Stinas baaaaaaby! :D I also got some other stuff obviously.
See, I just made niggerballs. Yes I know, sounds oh so very racist. But they're delicious and it's an old swedish treaty treat. There's a difference between chocolateballs and "negerbollar". Big difference.
Well, I ain't got much to write really, it's raining and it's really freakin' cold today. Seems like I brought the swedish weather with me haha But I'm sitting here in my thick knitted socks and I'm about to watch the latest episodes of Criminal minds AND ncis. YaaaaaaaaY!Exciting. Uh huh.
Snuggletree is playing with the xbox.. we played Army of Two yesterday. I think we make a pretty dang good team. haha Aaaaah it's such a fun game. Me likes it.
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