I will never let you GOOOOOOOOOOO
Oh yeah, I'm totally yelling my lungs out right now. This ain't even no where near what you'd call "singing" haha
I don't care if anyone agrees with me or not, But Ozzy... his ballads are always beautiful. Like 'Mama I'm coming home'.
well, I got a call today.. from one of my bosses at one of the places that I work. She told me something disturbing that an old boss had said about me.... well, the old boss said good things too..which made me happy.
She said I was trustworthy, loyal, dutiful and flexible.
And then she said, 'The only negative thing I have to say is that she talk too much'........ uh...well. I know. But I don't do that anymore. cause I learn my lesson.
never trust anyone.
I trust Lei Lei and Frost. I think that's enough :3
well, it sure does look like I have three different jobs now. How will I ever managed them all? The third job is more cause I'm being forced to accept it.
Can't dirty the family name now can we? -_-
you can trust me as well, and you know it... riiiight? <3 :3