Saturday, February 15, 2014


Aaah there's just so much loving going on lol

Today, I've told the world about our little baby. The lil' bun in the oven.
So now I'm telling you guys too! :)

Or little peanut as Frost calls him (no idea if it's a boy or a girl, but I say him automatically, statistics says so anyway lol)

So my sister went with me to the ultra sound today. Such a nice start on valentines day huh? I thought so. Even though an ultra sound hurts like hell when you're pregnant and way past week 7. Damn I did NOT like it. And neither did peanut! Peanut hated it! Waving and kicking with the lil' arms and legs. Looked cute though. :)

Afterwards we went for a long walk in the woods with the dogs :) Ate good stuff and just walked and walked and talked and talked.

Sooooooo, a LOT of my friends are happy that I'm finally out with the baby luck. Cause now they don't need to hide it.

my closest ones were the first ones I told, on Christmas Eve. It's hard to hide a pregnancy with severe nausea and the need to pee all the time, as well as eat all the time from people who see me EVERYDAY day. So it was best to tell them.

Frost got a pic of the pregnancy where it said "merry Christmas daddy" on it. I thought it was cute <3 Mom cried cause I actually wrapped the pregnancy test in paper and have it to her on Christmas.

After about a month I told a few more friends :) One kinda wants to yell it out to the world. But I wanted to wait till I was after week 12. Which I am now obviously. I'm in week 14. As soon as I passed week 12, the risk of miscarriage went down with 65%. Phew..

And now the cat's out of the bag!

Sofia has been a huge support. She does anything for me <3 if I'm sick one day she'll help. And my mom and sister too of course. Nathalie likes to spoil me. With food and nom noms. Haha! Sofie is pregnant too so we're like preggo buddies lmao But it is nice to discuss things ya know?

Veronica kinda knew everything before Christmas though.. She saw the signs.
And the pregnancy test in the bathroom. Smartass.

She gave our lil' peanut a stuffed animal last weekend. Made my heart go squeeze!! <3 That actually made me really really happy. And also, I sleep really fucking good with it.

Frost and I are super excited! :D
A baby. Wow... <3

I need to continue looking at supernatural. I'm addicted to it now. Weird huh? I always thought it would suck, so I never watched it.


  1. I also already knew ;3 muhahahahah~
    But now we can all bask in the jolliness of you having a wee baby!

    Congratulations! again!
    All hail peanut!

  2. Congratulations Joanna,
    Like i've said the building blocks were already in place and i am so happy for you both,
    You will be an amazing mother, and i wish you and frost all the luck and happiness in the world. god bless you both

    Again - Well done, You deserve it <3 x


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