Monday, April 28, 2014

swedish politics, a rant from my part.

Welp, I did a test on easter, to see which party would suit me the best. And The Swedish Democrats were like 60% on my list apparently.

My top three things to improve at the moment were

  • harder sentences for those who commit crimes.
  • To handle the view of rape better. A simple 'no' is still a NO.
  • To look over the immigration politics
I know, my boyfriend is an immigrant.
And he's getting a lot of help from the government. Which is awesome. Money and everything is getting better. 
BUT, never the less. I'm fucking tired of those beggars here for instance. Real fucking tired. And all the honor crimes that are related to immigrants pride and shit too. That's just scary. I thought most of it disappeared when Fatime died. (That was a big issue in sweden back then) But no, it's here. We just don't hear about it in the news as much cause "we can't write about immigrant cause we'd automatically be racists then". lol That's dumb.

So I vote that any immigrant comiting a severe crime (like rape, murder, abuse, robbery etc) should get deported. I bet a LOT of crimes would go away then tbh. But then there's the issue, (in which i've honestly only heard swedes complain, while immigrants agree) That while deporting people with another nationality background, we don't deport swedes. DUH. But we need higher sentences.
If a pedophile get's a shorter sentence than someone smoking a joint, something's fucking wrong.

Anyway, yeah. Right now I think we need to focus on improving what's going down. Out welfare, is actually still really nice. Say what you want.

Some still want money for staying home all the time. And tbh, NO... no. There's way too many people that stays at home pretending to be sick or feeling shitty so they can just be lazy and get money.

So then people say, be stricter on those people and let the real sick ones be.
You DO realize that it's hard for people to judge that right? No matter if a person is sick or not, they will certainly feel offended no matter what.
Yes, let cancer sick ones, people with REAL diseases stay at home. Let's face it, it's NEVER been up to the government and politicians to judge if a person needs to continue being at home getting paid or not. That's decided by normal fucking people. 

And too many people likes to ride on our welfare.

I'm doing pretty splendid right now.
I get paid for staying at home. All I have to do is apply for jobs. Which I do regularly. I got money from 'Försäkringskassan' which I absolutely didn't think I was going too. Plus the government will help us too with money at the moment cause no one wants to hire a pregnant lady.

And I can understand why.

If you're looking for staff to WORK, cause you need more help at work. Then you wouldn't want someone who can't fucking work would you? Everyone knows that a pregnant lady might not be able to work everyday. She might need to call in sick every other day cause the feet are too swollen, she's throwing up, the back hurts etc etc. So I totally agree on an employer having the right to refuse to hire a pregnant chick.

Like I said, if I ran a business... I would NOT keep a person who calls in sick a lot. Do you even understand how much they loose by keeping such a person?
Buuuuut on the other hand, I've always gone to work no matter how shitty I've been, or sick I've been or even if I was half blind.. OR couldn't move at all because of the pain (which has happened a lot btw) I have ALWAYS gone to work. 
I got sent home thought many times by the boss when they saw how badly I moved, or how badly my breathing was at times. But I've rarely been home on my own accord. 

With this said, I have a job interview on monday.
as a waitress. A hard fucking job, which I still needed to apply for to get my money. But today when we talked on the phone, I was completely honest and told them that I was pregnant, and HUGE... capable of working but I told them so they'd know. 
They only needed ONE person at the restaurant. One. And they picked me as a candidate. yay me. I'm nervous as fuck.

Although I'm fully aware that I most likely would get the job. (as I wrote earlier) No hard feelings then.

Anyway, as I was saying... I am sick over how SPOILED the swedish citizens have become. And this is actually something I never realized untill I got to experience how it is to not being able to get free healthcare. To get support when I need it. To have the right to GIVE BIRTH for freeeeeeeeee. To have my government help me out financially when I'm in a shitty position.

And people, that like to spend money...that take little loans all the time, or buy things and pay later, month by month and so on..THEY complain that they can't afford living.

Weeeeeeeeell, maybe you should've considered ALL the possibilities before you got loans and installments, paying every month on a laptop or a tv or whatever?

A lot of people get mad when I say that. But I'm hardly the only one thinking like that. You live with what you've GOT.

I don't have any installments, no laptop that I have to pay off. NOTHING like that. And I'll probably never get anything either that I'd have to pay off every month until I'd have a fulltime employment.

That's the biggest reason. I knew that I might not have a job one day, cause working the way I did. Not having a full time employment, just being a temp...that's not secure at all. So therefor I never got any stuff like that.

I have a loan. And I took a reasonable one. I pay it off every month like I'm supposed to, and I understand that the government or my A-kassa won't help me pay that off. What the fuck should the tax money go to paying off other peoples loans or debts and shit?!

Are you dumb for real?

I really hate people that takes things for granted. That complains a lot.
I complained when A-kassan was slow at paying me in the beginning. But hey, you ALWAYS get money if you're genuinely in need of it. And that's the truth. You always get money, but not for your stinking debts.

Sometimes it takes a long time and THAT can be complained about. I know people that really do need help, that can't work for reals... And I understand that it sucks to have to wait then.

But tbh, my landlord, and phonecompany and so on...they've always postponed the payments if I've been late with money. Whenever I asked and told them i didn't get paid yet, they'd postpone it.

I hope more people are that clever and actually ask them to wait a little.

But then, there's people like my *******, that get's like 10 000kr a month. And STILL wants to ask the government for money cause they can't pay all their bills. 
Ehum........ your fines, debts and loans and installments is NOT what our tax money is meant for.


Get a job instead then. Suck it up, shut your mouth and WORK. You can't always blame things on our government.

I'm not too fond of 'moderaterna' that runs out country at the moment. But, even when social demokraterna ruled it, the welfare SUCKED BALLS. So many sick people, "sick". Oh, I think my pinky toe is aching. I might not be able to work for a while. Oh, I think I'm depressed cause I just don't feel too happy. I might have to stay at home for 3 years then.


You can't blame the government for everything.
Some people are just dicks. And that's a fact.
Some people will ALWAYS wanna live on welfare.

Why work when you don't have too?

That's why so many immigrants come here in the first place.
Cause they don't have to work.

And not a single fuck is scared of the police here.
You know why?
Cause our prisons are like fucking hotels, you live better in there then at a nursing home for our elderly people. And you don't get high sentences. I can murder my mother and go to prison for 2 years. -___-

Everyone has their own opinions. But a lot of people voting in this next selection will unfortunately vote selfishly. They'll say that they're voting for the grated good of the people, they always do. But in the end, it's only cause they wanna be able to not work when they feel like it.

I on the other hand... am sick of how useless people, and criminals, and lazy fucks live so well off in sweden. while others are forced to work their asses off.

My rant is over. hah.

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