Thursday, July 23, 2015

Dude. Yes.

So I'm at work. And it's all good, man.
My EDS went down a notch so that's nice. I limp, nothing more. *victory bro fist* 

Fine... I maaaaay have taking slightly more painkillers than I should have, but I ain't a person to call in sick just cause my body ain't functioning. I'll do whatever it takes. If make a promise I keep it.

I will not fucking be on sick leave again! 
So, if I can get out of bed... I work.

Luckily my shift started at 11 today, and Frost dragged me out of bed sometime between 7-8ish this morning. I was in such bad shape then.... With the knee and the cramping muscles in the back, he actually had to help me get dressed. I couldn't put on my pants on my right leg cause I can't bend it. So he had to do it for me.

But now I'm fine! 

Me and the boss had a nice chat too. 
Looks like I'll be on a schedule soon. OMGFUCKINGYAY! *wiggles and twirls*

More night shifts too. Awesome possum. 

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