Monday, December 28, 2015

Past few days

I realize I've been a bit shitty about updating some stuff. Hah LIKE PICTURES OF ALL THE FLUFFY SPARKLY AMAZINGNESS AROUND ME. Or not lol

But here's a while bunch of stuff.
Pictures from the other day when me and Freya went with Sofi and Lykke. We got picked up pretty early, and ate lunch and played at their house. Freya seemed to get pretty fond of Petter. Haha Those two little puffs had a lot of fun together, it was kinda nice to see actually. I got all warm and fuzzy inside haha

And when I came hone I had one of the coolest games ever. The kill/death ratio on that one. SUCK ON THAT BITCHES. But, in this new CoD it actually doesn't matter who kills the most. It's about the score points and shit.
Blah. I always come third ¬_¬
Here, U realized you couldn't see the deaths on that first pic lol
Allow me to brag hahaha

Moving on.

The other photos are from yesterday :) Freya out and about.

Sometimes it feels like my heart will stop cause she's too freakin' adorable. *Mwah!* ♡.♡

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