Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Good news and bad news

Yesterday I got some bad news about someone I really care about... ******** might be VERY sick. I don't know what I would do without this person... But we need to be positive. :) I'm sure ts nothing. I has to be nothing.

And some good news came today, I'm not gonna say what it is. But it made me excited ⌒.⌒  If this works out then yay.

Abd on the other side... I woke up in excruciating pain today. Great. And I'm all out of painkillers.... I have no idea what to do and how to cope with this. I can't function properly without them. (No I'm not addicted to opiates, I go a longer time without them just to make sure every once in a while) But when its like this, I really need them.
Another crappy thing is that I forgot my makeup at A's house so now it's Jo Au De Natural for the rest of the week. Heh...

Anyway... I gotta get back to the babysnuggles. Gotta fill the snuggle meter up haha That's what keeps me going at work lol

I know most parents say that their child is the cutest in the world... But I'm actually really serious haha She's probably the top 10 cutest kid in the world haha (top 5 if I get to decide)

Coffee. Oh yeah. I made a fuckton of coffee, and someone needs to drink it.

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