So I took my other half with me to dinner last night.
The new chinese restaurant around the corner. YUM!
So happy that we finally have a chinese restaurant nearby.
It was delish.
It's been a good week. I've been with Freya a lot, alone. I've always wanted to have some mommy daughter alone time with her, and now that Frost is working everyday we gets to have our days.
And I love it. I love being home with her. She's such a sweet kid.
Mom has been helping out a lot too. It's hard puzzling your schedule up like this when I work a difficult schedule.
She wakes you up by sitting on your chest, leaning forward, giving you a good morning kiss, and then doing the eskimo kiss <3 Gaah... she's too cute.
Though, the other day she sat on me, patted my head, smiled and said "Iiidiot.." slowly.
And then did the cutest smile ever.
And I was like O_____O
Jaw dropped.
Remember when she said weirdo after I said it :P