Thursday, October 12, 2017

too warm

Freyas fever is too high and she's been throwing up. Threw up in the middle of the night, and just now all over me, the sofa and my phone. She hates throwing up.

She says her head hurts a lot too and that makes me feel uneasy.

See, most people probably wouldn't worry that much.
But I do.

Ever since I had meningitis that the doctors claimed could've been a virus that I got from the daycare. And that worries me...cause it's easy to miss meningitis on children.

I missed it so easily on myself so it makes me so worried that she'd have it.

I've always felt that it's a scary disease, ever since an old coworkers 5 year old daughter died from it. It took 24 hours and then she was gone. They didn't even notice it, she just got a fever and then poof...she was gone.

So this is what I carry inside my head whenever Freya gets a really high fever, and this time she says her head hurts.
it escalated quickly.
So don't blame me for worrying.

But damn, I am tiiiiiiiiired.

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