Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The secret

Well, this certainly has been a busy day for me.
And shitty internet on the phone as well. Yea, I rely on my phone way too much. Which makes it hard for me when the internet connection is a total cunt from time to time.
Internet is my life at the moment. lol

So, I have done oh so much today. Haven't been home all day. And now I'm finally on my couch.... not doing shit. Worrying a wee bit about financial issues... ah... Looks like I need 10 000 kr by friday. haha I am just SO screwed aren't I?

At first it was like 5000, and now it's suddenly 10 000. LOOOOOOOOL Just kill me now haha

But, I'm still not too worried, maybe it's the stupid side of me taking over a bit... All things will just clear up eventually.

Which reminds me, I read something very very interesting on Xiaxue's blog. About "The secret". Oh I've heard about it before but never paid any attention to it really... But it's actually such a logical and simple thing. So I copied what she wrote explaining the secret.

For all of you who have no idea what "The Secret" is, I shall start by saying it is kinda like a... school of thought popularized by the best selling self-help book "The Secret", written by Rhonda Byrne. She also made it into a movie. As the movie has no plot whatsoever, I don't think it was ever played in Singapore's cinemas so I doubt many Singaporeans have watched it. I personally find the book better anyway!

Let's start from the beginning... I was watching Entourage with Mike and suddenly the characters mentioned "The Secret". I asked Mike "What are they talking about? What Secret?"

And would you have it? Mike had The Secret's movie's dvd somewhere and we finished that episode of Entourage and watched it.

And as I watched, light switches kept flicking on in my head. It was the closest thing to an epiphany I've ever felt. Within an hour, my entire outlook in life changed.

As I said I cannot explain The Secret as well as the book did... Plus the book is so chockful of information... but I will try.

- Thoughts become things... Whatever you dwell on will manifest into real life events, be it good or bad.

- Law of attraction states that when you think of good things, good things come to you. Dwell on the bad, depressing or keep giving out negative energy, bad things will happen to you.

Ok it sounds like some enlightenment scripture crap so far but here's the awesome part...

You can attract into your life EVERYTHING you have dreamed of if you use The Secret, and use it well.

You can have money, looks, love, career, health - ANYTHING.

You can even wish for a harem or a spaceship. The secret isn't like religion, it doesn't judge. It doesn't care about whether you are a good person or a paedophile. You just need to follow the instructions.

And what are the instructions?

You start by asking. 

You ask the universe for what you want, and it will find a way to deliver it to you. You don't have to figure out how to achieve it, the universe will just GUIDE you there.

Don't believe it? When Walt Disney first put pencil to paper and drew a mouse, do you think he ever envisioned or planned the route to movie empires or giant theme parks? No, he had a dream, and the universe made it happen for him.

After asking you virtualize, try to imagine yourself already obtaining your wish. Never ever do "negative" wishes ie "I don't want to be poor" because if you keep thinking you are poor, you will constantly be. 

Change it to "I want to be rich!". So no "I wish my mom will stop yelling at me." Say instead "My mom and I get along so well and for that I am thankful!"

Other than making your wishes here's the hardest bit - ALWAYS HAVE GOOD EMOTIONS.

The book says that there are only 2 kinds of emotions - GOOD AND BAD.

Good is when you are happy, inspired, contented, hopeful etc... And the bad... Depression, disappointment, anger, jealousy, dejected etc.

How your mood constantly is will generate MORE of that sort of mood for you.

Do you want to constantly be depressed? If no, snap out of sadness asap.

You can use tools to help you, such as remembering a super funny event or thinking of your cute pet or listening to your favourite song. Whatever helps! I like to virtualise Igloo's fuzzy head and his ears flopping when he runs, it's hilarious.

I find this part the hardest because it isn't easy to get rid of anger for me. I don't really get sad anymore, but I do get mad easily. And I know that the little spurts of anger I have will accumulate and create some nasty occurrence in my life. :[

Another emotion that is hard to get rid of is doubt. The moment you dream about something, a logical person will think "But how is that possible? Zac Efron will never fall in love with me..." Well, if you say so (or rather, think so), the universe delivers. 

So see? It is not 100% foolproof. You can control your fate, but unless you somehow master your brain and emotions, you cannot control it 100%.

But if you didn't know about the Secret, at least you are now aware that you can change if not everything then a huge part of your life!!

What you have in your life right now is entirely your own doing. Are you a happy person and lucky things keep happening to you? Or are you a Negative Nelly and shit keeps happening to you? It isn't a coincidence - it is cause and effect and it's a cycle. Snap out of a vicious one!

One emotion that the Secret says you should always have is Gratitude. 

In fact, Byrne wrote 3 books, The Secret, The Power, and The MagicThe Magic is entirely on just gratitude itself.

The book states that whatever you are grateful for, you will get more of. Whatever you take for granted, whatever little you have will be taken away from you.

Ok enough lifting material from the books... Please go buy them yourselves.

Now that you know the rough contents, I will talk about how The Secret affected me!

When I was reading the book I read a paragraph that says something like... If you master The Secret, you will lead the sort of life that everyone will be envious of and amazed by.

I reflected upon my life and I thought... I already sorta have that, don't I?? Every other day someone tells me they wish they are me or have my job/hair/weight etc. And how is this possible when I didn't know The Secret before?

The fact is, I already discovered it when I was 14. Well actually, just a tiny, tiny part of it. And even so, it has already made my life so awesome.

When I was 14 my friend Eileen was a fan of Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert comics. She lent me a book he wrote and there was a small chapter called "Affirmations".

Adams believed that if you wrote something down on paper everyday for 10 times a day, it will come true. He said you didn't even have to believe this works... Just do it. Be as skeptical as you want. Make a wish, form it into a sentence and make it specific. Write x 10, everyday.

And yes, I do apologize for it looking so freakishly weird here haha. But it's interesting stuff I tell you.

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