Monday, June 25, 2012


Aws I really do like their new album... well, most of the songs anyway.
Well, These two songs are the ones I like the most.

Wanna know how you know you've made a really great song?

If you make someone smile, or feel better, or make someone go around humming it. THAT'S how you know you've made a great song. Make it have meaning. There will always be people saying 'oh that song sucks' or 'Meh I don't like it'. But to someone, that song might've just saved his/her life or maybe brighten up someone's shitty day. Haters will hate. Simple as that.

Well, my favourite songs by these guys are still Sound of Madness and Diamond Eyes.

I'll Follow you is beautiful... I love it. I really do.
Buuuut english ain't my native language. Ooooh shocker I know. or not? Anyway, since it's not my native language I sometimes have a hard time following some expressions. Many expressions and metaphors I already know, but there's still some I don't know yet. So when it comes to lyrics... I can't always figure out the meaning behind them cause sometimes they're just fucked up, simply put. Sooooo makes me wonder, are they metaphors/expressions I haven't heard before, Or are they simple wordpoop?

1 comment:

  1. Deftones had a song titled "Diamond eyes" first, and it's better.


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