Monday, December 17, 2012


I just thought of something nice. It's a secret though... but it's nice :)

I had an alright day. I should be exhausted from not sleeping but no... still wide awake. Anyway, I went home to my sisters place, got a new jacket from mom (a really warm one with goose feathers in it) And then I went home, vacuumed, talked to my snuggletree... and then me Sofia and Alicia went to the store :)
I never did go to Sofi's house today, She was tired and i felt like 'meh..' so we decided to do it on monday or some other day :)

I'm still having some trouble with the time differences here... I keep thinking 'I wonder what the time is in sweden?' Or 'what time is it where mom is? Can I call?' haha My mind is still in Alabama with Frost I guess lol

Aaaah I'll get used to it soon enough -_-

Oh, people got really offended when I said that the only reason I'm actually back in sweden is more or less because of Lei Lei. Nothing else... because of my responsibility towards her. Cause she's like my child <3 And apparently people took it the wrong way and thought that I meant that I don't give a fuck about my friends.  Which is wrong. Of course I'm happy to see my friends and family. Duh? But you gotta calm yo tits... I feel like a piece is missing from me when I'm not with him. So just try not to be so selfcentered and respect the fact that I miss the one I love.

1 comment:

  1. Your'e sweet <3 thank you :)
    Det är skönt att veta att du stöttar mig.


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