I was never able to do that though...
Maybe one day I could let her like, at least see Andrea Bocelli or someone?
Unless he suddenly decides to fall of the stick as well -.-
I have goals in life uh huh.
I have huge goals for my snuggletree too. <3
Aaah, lucky me I have the rest of my life to do that with him though.
But Mr. Bocelli..... you should live at least 10 more years. Yuss.
Pretty cool that I knew all the lyrics to Con te partiro once huh?
My Italian teacher forced us to sing it. With the exact same passion as Bocelli....... my voice. Oh god. I have a strong voice, he said I could do opera. And I have never ever used my full capacity since that day EVER. And I never will.
Sad but true...
sometimes I wish I could be somewhere all alone like in a far far away forest, and use my voice to the fullest... cause I barely remember what it sounds like lol
When you come...you must hike with us to a place called King's Peak so we can let the echoes of our grandest voices bounce all over the fucking rocks. I want to hear your Pavarotti. I've always wanted to hear my voice in a big way as well.