Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I ain't gonna say this day sucks yet, cause it ain't over.... But still.

First of all, I may not have been a loaded person before. I've never been rich. I've always been leaning a lil bit more down to the 'poor way'... Yet I've always, ALWAYS managed to pay all my bills. The rent, Internet, phone, electricity, insurance, and lei leis junk... I've always managed that. AND had money for food after paying all that.

Except for today.
This is the first time I'm this fn poor at the beginning of a month. I don't think I've been in this situation since i was like 19 or something...
And I haven't even bought lei leis food. Nor did I pay the Internet bill. I have to cause my brother can't afford it... How do I do it then? I was an idiot to write my name on the Internet contract. I'll never fn agree to something like that ever again. I'll never trust anyone else like that again.
Well, Frost is an exception cause he's mine. But Frost would never make idiotic choices and then ruin me. I'ma let Frost handle most thing when he lives here.

Well, I need breakfast. I'll be eating every third hour soon. Uh huh. I can do this!

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