Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Well I'm finally in Amsterdam. It's so beautiful. There's like rivers everywhere, and each river is attached to another one too. Everything's connected. Pretty awesome.it looks really cool from above anyway.

On another note, Dutch.... Must be the ugliest language in the world. I always thought finnish was they ugliest one until I had to listen to the pilot go on and in about things I didn't understand. Dear lord what a hideous language hahahaha yes I know, it's mean.

Well... It's almost time to board the plane to Atlanta. :) YAY!

Oh it did however my have the kind of floor Mandy wanted to see.... :/ I walked around quite a bit...

1 comment:

  1. Weeell, it WAS eight years ago. I guess they changed things around a bit. But thank you for looking!! *hugs* Thanks for taking pictures of other things too. :D The gates still look the same. I'm a little jealous haha. Safe flight love!


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