Sunday, April 7, 2013


Well I'm finally home from work... And I found myself thinking that maaaaybe I should write a long nice post here. Not necessarily a nice one fine..but still. It's words. For anyone who finds themselves challenged to read it all. Yep.

First of all,I might as well write this here cause who knows, I might get lucky and get a good answer. It's about my ESTA visa (which I've obviously got btw) But here's the deal... it really doesn't say anywhere if I only have 90 days to spend in two years, or if it's 90 days per year or something like that? I mean... I'm pretty screwed if it's only 90 days per 2 years. Cause I've almost used all my days in the states then. And what to do then? Tips and ideas are welcome.

Second of all... I have a chance to get a tiny apartment. But it's TINY as hell. Like wow. And maybe not at the best location. (it's not bad but I want it more where..where I am now haha) But it's super cheap. 414 dollars. Sweet. But still... I'll check it out and see if it's anything for me. I wanna save up all the money I can ya know?

What do you think?
I get insecure about what my mother has to say.. and if she says it's no good then I'm like ''s no good'. Not my best trait I know. Sometimes it's a lifesaver though, and sometimes it's not. Oh well...

What else... well anyway, I can't wait to move out. Sadly, my brother and I probably wont be in much contact really... Mom will never see Wille again and we probably wont either.  Daniel is in his own little bubble. He's just turning into a stranger..

Oh and fyi, about the visa. If it just so happens to be 90 per two years than I still have a few days left and I will use the fuck out of them to be with Frost. Yep.

Now.... I think I may need some snuggles. Yes I do.

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