I'm calling the clinic tomorrow. I've been dizzy, almost fainting, extreme EXTREEEEEME FUCKING tummy ache. Bad in the tummy too... Nausea.. Oh and now back pain.
Frost is sick too. I started wondering if there's a virus since his tummy is hurting as well. But the more I think about it, the more it reminds me of when I first got sick 7 years ago. The pain is almost the same. -_-
It doesn't matter if I'm sick again though, since I can't eat the medicine now that I'm pregnant anyway.
But I do need extra nourishment now since I can't seem to keep it. And thus, I have to call the clinic. Boring.. But ya know, I'm worried about the baby. Not me. And I'm SO swollen. Fluid everywhere. Especially my arms and thighs and calves :/ Bleh..
Aaaand I'm constantly sleepy. -.-
I could barely stay awake at first at the information meeting today.
Oh and I probably failed the test as well today. Yup. All I could think of was I NEED TO GO TO THE BAAAATHROOOOOOOM!!!
I tried my best though.
Frost and I have been practicing Å Ä Ö. And words that has those letters in them. Haha he's such an American. :P
THAT'S JUST THE CUTEST PICTURE I'VE EVER SEEN <3 gaaah. *snuggles you both*