Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday 🍁

This morning was so nice~

It's not like there was anything out of the ordinary, but it was just the way the morning felt you know?

I woke up really early (early for being us you know lol) and it was pitch black outside. Yeah, have y'all noticed how the mornings and evenings are really really dark these days.

It's heavenly right?

See, some people gets seasonal depressions during the autumn. But I, I get more relaxed and calm. Cause I feel at ease more now that it's so dark outside. The darker it is, the calmer I get.  Which is a huge reason for why I really love autumn and winter. But it's just one of the reasons.
Other reasons are the cold weather, the lovely colors in the trees, you get to wear knitted stuff and knit scarves and beanies, AND you get to drink hot chocolate at night when it's cold and raw outside, and Halloweeeeeeeeeen too πŸŽƒ, booooy don't get me started on Halloween lol And then there's the Christmas shenanigans too πŸŽ„✨ Fucking hell I sure do love Christmas. And with that there's so many fun cozy things to do so it's too much for me to mention, and what else...hmm... Ah, Yes like I said earlier; the days gets shorter and darker πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Basically, this is the season of hot chocolate & snuggles under blankets πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€
And this fam fucking love snuggles & cuddles & hot chocolate. πŸ₯°

So the reason why this morning was so wonderful was simply cause I woke up and it was so dark, I felt a warn lump next to me. Freya had come in to our room last night, and she weaseled her way up in our bed and snuggled.
Frost was already up, doodling around in the living room. And when he heard that I woke up, he came back to bed and snuggled with us some more.
It was just nice, you know?
Waking up with a warm little babypuff snuggled up against me, it was dark and cold outside and I could tell that it's been raining during the night. And then my man came back and made the bed even warmer and cozier πŸ–€

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