Wednesday, April 11, 2012

oh yeah

It's so nice outside right now. 5 + degrees outside and no rain at the moment. I'm on the balcony enjoying a fag, talking to the Heeerrrrp. For some reason we're discussing the human centipede. -_________- fucked up shit.

Herrrp can't say therapist in swedish looooooooooooooool YOU SUCK haha

Moving on, I have work tomorrow :3 me so happy.
Which means I actually have to go to bed soon -___- and I'm not even tired. YAY. But I'm so fucking happy to get my arse up and moving that I don't even care loooool

oh yeah...tomorrow I'll be meeting with someone who I haven't seen or spoken with for two years. Yepp, that person left me. So.. lala things are different now, time has passed since then so let's be grownup about it kay? Let's see what happens. I have no expectations whatsoever.


oh. Tim said he'd eat me raw. What the hell does that mean?! O.O

1 comment:

  1. 1: I do suck D: atm I am sucking on a lollipop... nomnom. it's delicious :'3
    2: as for Tim... that would be cannibalism. and it's frowned upon in most societies...
    hurr durr~ <3


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