Sunday, April 29, 2012


A close friend of mine called me today...we talked for hours. She said it's sad that I never ask for help when I'm sad or feeling down. It's hard to notice when I'm down cause I smile and laugh and act as if it's nothing. She told me how it makes her sad and that she can't help me... back in the old days, people used to always go to her for help. Then she had enough, cause they took her for granted. But she said she still wanted the ones she loved to be able to come to her from help.

But that's kind of the thing. I don't tell people when I'm down for a reason. Either cos I feel like I should'nt be feeling like this. or because I don't want people to know. Simple as that. I don't WANT to feel like this. yet I do. And all this with emotions and's still new to me. So i can't pinpoint the problem just yet.

But nowadays it's not as easy to hide it as it used to be. But oh well. Shit happens.

Tomorrow is Valborg. And I ain't got any plans, as usual I managed to forget about these festivities -___- I'm such a derp.

And next weekend there'll be a party at my place. No idea how I'm supposed to fit in a those people in this tiny place but hey, the more the merrier.. Or something. Guess we'll all go out to the clubs later cause I don't wanna bother my neighbours too much now. I swear to god, if I fart. My neighbours will hear it -___-yay.

Anyway. Haven't done much today really. I did eat though :3 yay me. *high five*

I'm gonna get back to criminal minds now. Toodels.

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