See, Once again I fucking forgot about that god damn 100 day photo challange I had. DAMN IT. But, in my defense....I've been sorta busy. We'll, not now maybe but you know what I mean.
I blame it on the break up and the moving. laawl
And also, I'm supposed to take a photo of my bedroom. Which isn't possible at the moment cause I sleep in a couch in the living room since the bedroom is completely empty. LAWL. But on the other hand, imagine all the pics you'll see from my new place?
And btw, I move on thursday :D EEEEEEEEEEEEK It's gonna be awesome! Aaarghahsfahfljhgkhgfkähgäh can't express how psyched I am about it.
If I weren't so lazy I'd be fucking jumping up and down right now.
Already did that today though so ;) hahaha
Not too psyched about the packig and cleaning part though :/
aaah I need a laugh.
Derp. Got it :>
XDDDDD lol at the Rage Comics