I'm sitting here, pondering about stuff.
It amazes me how difficult it is for me to let go of some things... It so hard for me to stop thinking about all the shit I went through at my old job. It makes me weak. Makes me question myself from time to time.
All the lies they said about me...
The fact that I was an outcast since day one. People talking about me behind my back...
For an entire year I put up with this bullshit, thinking that if I stayed strong, did my work well and smiled everything would be ok in the end.
It didn't.
To be told that I'm hated by everyone. And that I didn't don't job right.
It affected me really bad...
And now I'm seriously terrified of having a net job, starting over.
Being new.
What if I'm hated again?
I have no references anymore.
It all vanished.
Three months ago I was popular with the boss. And now suddenly this? I don't understand...
I couldn't believe that anyone would be such and asshole telling such horrible lies.
I'm stupid.
And I feel like I can't trust people...
No one.
I'm afraid to work. Is that silly?
I lay awake at night thinking about this.
Will I ever be able to move on?
Stop worrying?
Can I ever stop thinking that I'm the problem? That it's my fault?
Do I have such a weird personality that I was hated from day one?
I ever tried to be the quiet type instead of my normal talkative me.
Nothing I did worked...
Welp... It's confusing, like that "translator". Haha
That's how much sense everything makes to me right now.