Friday, September 7, 2012

I'm pissed

I don't like it when someone tries to put my dog in her place.
The only one who can do that is me.

Anyone who actually ISN'T part of OUR family is NOT allowed to touch her. Stupid idiot. Who the fuck does he think he is for yelling at her. What the fuck did he think would happen when he walked in without warning and a dog is guarding her home? You KNEW she was here. Dumbfuck.

One day, someone will get bit. And I wont blame her.
No way in hell that I'd put her to sleep if someone who doesn't live here comes in unannounced and then piss my dog off by using a dark voice and yell at her. Fuck, even I got pissed and I ain't even a dog.

So, this can go as a warning to every fucking one who will step inside my house. The only one who can be rough with Lei Lei and put her in her place is ME. She had the right to get aggressive.

She usually just growls a bit when she doesn't recognize anyone and then waits for me to tell her it's alright. And this dude just tells her to shut up and back off. As if that'd work. Idiot.

That'll only make her more angry since someone who doesn't live here, comes in, act as if he owns everything and bosses her around.

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