Saturday, September 8, 2012


well, I am a very happy today! :)
Gosh, my heart... <3 I'm in love. ROAR.

The happier I get, and the more evident it gets...the more people will try and tear me down. Tis ok, you can give it your best shot.

And I'm a wee bit hungry...gotta admit that yeah. What to eat.
Daniel insist on macaronis and cheese. And I can't eat that :( Penis.
Soooo, I'll just see if there's like a hidden treasure in the freezer OR if I go out and buy a simple salad. We'll see. For now, I ain't even hungry enough to make an effort lol

Plus it's raining.

No, I want coffee... and something nommy.
OOOOH nectarines... Yum.

It smells like poop in the entire apartment right now. Great. Thank you Wille.

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