Thursday, September 6, 2012


So, I've talked to a LOT of people today.
And I also talked to Virre on the phone. She was at work though....darn it. I miss her. But it was nice to hear her voice. Oh and I met up with Stina a short while ago... I poured my heart out to her. Blah blah blah.. So fucking nice :) She understands me so well <3 And we have pretty much the same opinions in life so it's kinda nice when she puts me back in my place whenever I space out a wee bit too much lol

And it's fun talking to her about everything :)
Aaaws, we've been talking about Frost, friends and life <3

Life is good.

And it will be even better soon.

I do still have small worries, but in worst case scenario, I'll just use my last backup plans. They're ok. Not that there's a great backup plan for the "family matters". Yeah those matters are fucked I guess. I promised I'd TRY, which I will. Not that there's any need for me to try cause it really wont work out anyway. But hey, a promise is a promise. Even if I know I'll fail I still have to do it. Penis.
I don't see the point in keeping people I dislike in my life tho... seriously. People are stupid.

Well, it all don't bother me too much really. It's not fun, but shit happens. All the responsibility is on me now. Psshh... I said I'd try. Didn't say I'd do my best. hah
But one things for sure, I did said I'd try to fix things. I never said I'd apologize. An apology will never come out of my mouth. I only apologize if I mean it.
And I'm not sorry for this. Nope. Oh and good luck with getting mum on board on this. looool

With that said. That shit's doomed :D hahahahaha

On the bright side...
I'm going to Alabama! haha!  So fuck all that! :D
I couldn't care less ^^

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAAAAAAAND you spke to Misa to :3 yeap yeap! because I'm awesome :3



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