So... the injection went well.
And that's about it when talking about things that went well today.
Everything else went shitty basically.
I was exhausted after the injection. I kinda fucked up when I tried to be sneaky and use the bathroom while still having the IV in. I held it over my head
(like they do in movies) And managed to wobble into the bathroom. And suddenly I notice the tube was getting dark red... like wtf?
And then i realized, oooooh... oh no...I screwed up. That's my blood pouring out. So I tried to hurry to bed again and hit the emergency button so the nurse could come. I was gonna act like I didn't do anything, but she knew lol Apparently she put the needle in a very good vein, which was stronger than the IV when I stood up.
But she gave me one of those thingys where you hang it on so I could go pee. Cause man, I almost exploded. My bladder was the size of afrika or something. Shoooot...
Anyway. After we were done there, I was exhausted. All I wanted was to go home and sleep. And Frost too. Neither of us slept last night basically. So we sat there with bloodshot eyes half drooling...
So I went down to the medicine clinic to cancel my appoinment today at 14:00. By this time, it was already noon. And I was hungry as fuck too.
But instead of letting me rebook, they wanted me to stay there. And WAIT. In a room with a bed so I could sleep.... O_O ONE FUCKING HOUR. On hour we sat there, I drooled on a pillow. Broke my pants.
And then that talk came with the doctor.
The talk I've feared for a while came up.
And that just sucked. it all sucked.
And I had to negotiate to escape the hospital basically. So instead I have to go do some stuff tomorrow. AGAIN.
My blood veins are ruined, both in the hands and arms... bruised and aching. But we're still doing more blood tests tomorrow. Wooptidoo.
Eventually, after four fucking hours we got to go home. Starving and exhausted. So we ate at Taco Bar. My toe popped on the way there. I'm so swollen and filled with fluid that my god damn toes pop. Blisters even though I'm wearing mens sandals 3 sizes too big.
But they gave me a bandaid at Taco bar.
So, all in all...
.(although the dinner part was good) this day has sucked huge goat balls.
I've been down, and sad all day.
Of course I have to get fucking sick, while being pregnant.
And of course you can't give me medication then. DUH.
of course I have to worry and panic of small things now cause no one gives me direct answers.
Fucking crap basket.