Monday, September 10, 2012


And what a glorious Monday it is!
I feel somewhat pretty today tbh. Even though I look sorta crappy. I still feel pretty :) Things are going well nowadays. Well obviously I'd look better with makeup, you gotta look at it from my point of view. lol

I just called Sofi and asked of she wanted to go grab a coffee. I know for a fact that she wants me to call her more often, so I called her. :) And now she's all happy and whatnot, and on her way here. Haha

Last night was awesome :) Me was happy little fucker then <3 Got to see baby! Yay! I'ma ride on this happiness all week haha

Oooo And then afterwards it all went a wee bit awkward.

The boys stayed up all night... Talking. And drinking. I heard it all. Even got told things I didn't wanna hear.

Gotta admit I'm a wee bit afraid of what will happen tonight, if they'll seriously do what they said they will. I hope they're ready for what may come.

They seem to have forgotten that all actions have consequences. But this still needs to be done. It'll be a BIG fucking mess, and all town will know soon enough. I hope they've mentally prepared for this. I understand how they feel though. This should've been out in the open 20 fn years ago.

Have you any idea how awkward it is sitting between two full grown men with tears in their eyes? There wasn't anything I could say or do really. I just looked like an idiot... Smoking intensely.

In the end I was a bit confundled so I wrote to Frost.... Snugglepuff! <3 After that I fell asleep like a baby! Haha He's a good man. And mine! ROAR.

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