Monday, September 10, 2012

the fucks I give

It seems like some people fail to realise that I simply don't give a flying fuck about their opinions. As selfish as it may sound, I listen to no one but myself. So everyone..I have this highly recommended advice to give y'all : Don't fn tell me what to do. And keep your opinions to yourselves :) The more meddlesome you get the more annoyed I become.

Tbh, I find you very impertinent and intrusive. Yep.
So, other peoples opinions can be shoved up where the sun don't shine lol

Yeah listen to Bronson. he knows his shit lmao

But seriously, This is only cause you all want to keep me to yourselves.
You want to keep me at the same place, you like me this way.
To be able to have me whenever you want. And your'e scared that I'll go away. I get that.


My universe, my rules haha

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