Monday, August 26, 2019


I don't know if y'all remember.... But if you know me and/or have been reading my blog for a long time... You might remember that I cut Frost's hair on our wedding day. In the last minute. And since I was somewhat stressed out (cause who the fuck wants to be late for their own god damn wedding?! Am I right?!)  . . . Yes I'm trying to justify why I commited such a huge sin πŸ™„πŸ˜‘

But anyway, like I said.. I cut his hair. I had an idea, while he just wanted to shave all of it off. My idea won.

But..... I sliiiipped 😬😳 at the last second. Fucking it all up. He was . And fucking devastated and furious lol and ashamed and just dejected as fuck.
And all these feelings he had was mostly cause I refused to let him shave it all off. Cause I figured that we might be late if we do? So, I forced him to go to our wedding with a fucked up hairdo. 😫

And I swear, he's still upset about it to this day. Haha
We don't have any wedding photos at home, nor will he show them to anyone. He'll just crop himself out and show me and Freya to people πŸ˜…

And obviously, like any normal being, I felt horrible about it. I still do.

So, the other day... Frost wanted my help to shave it all off.

And yet again, I decided not to let him shave it off πŸ˜‚

But hear me out... See, I wanted to cut his hair instead. Not shave it off. Plus I agreed that he can shave it all off if I slip or make it ugly 🀷🏻‍♀️

And yay me~

I finally got to show him how I originally intended for his hair to be on our wedding. He looks so nice right now.

I made sure to cut it extra short on the top, since his hair grows like fucking bamboo. 😬😬😬 ( uhm ........Bamboo grows fast as fuck btw. πŸ‘ˆπŸ»  Like 35 inches per day yeah hence the parable🀷🏻‍♀️)
Moving on: I managed to give him a very nice haircut. πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Isn't he beautiful? 😍😍😍

Ok I don't really understand why I wrote half a novel about a simple haircut. I got carried away I guess. πŸ™ƒ

I guess it's cause I have such a haaaaandsome husband that I subconsciously wanna brag or something? 🀷🏻‍♀️🀷🏻‍♀️🀷🏻‍♀️ Hahaha πŸ˜„

Hahahaha omg talking about my dear sweet husband, y'all should have seen the girl behind the cash register at the store hitting on him πŸ˜‚ It was epic!

 She was so brave though, and I kinda respected her guts to flirt with him in English and by the register too. I find it impressive when a woman dares to openly hit on a guy in a non slimy and nasty way, you know what I mean? She did it in a funny and respectful kinda way. The things she said was funny anyway 🀷🏻‍♀️

But then after a while when he was about to pay, she held up something he was buying, questioning it I guess? So he said "well I don't have much choice. It's for my wife🀷🏻‍♀️" and she immediately chocked up and said "aaah... hahaha... weeeell this is awkward now hahaha oh wow" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
And then she apologized about it and they continued with their shit. Haha
I love how she took it. Seriously, if I was a single man I'd take the bait immediately if she was that funny about it.
She was pretty too.

A friend of mine asked me if I got jealous in that situation, and tbh... I didn't. I wasn't jealous at all.
And it's not because I trust him too much, it's more like I KNOW him. Like, I know he'd never cheat on me. So that's more about knowledge than blind trust right?

But anyway, yeah.. that girl was funny a hell, and the way she hit on him was funny and smooth AF. So how could I not respect her? 😁

I would however probably get annoyed if she kept on hitting on him and never stopped even after he said he was married. But probably not. It's more likely that I'd feel like that's his problem and I'm glad I don't have to deal with it hahahahah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'm such a caring and loving wife huh? 🀣

But really, the people close to me knows that there was this one weird lady that in my opinion got slightly obsessed with him. To the point that he couldn't handle it anymore almost. Like when I cut my hair and she saw it, and Frost said 'yeah doesn't she look good like this? I like it" and the very next day she cut her hair exactly like mine. She questioned him about how I was as a person, and then did a whole bunch of weird and morally questionable things. There are certain ways you just don't act. Except it seemed like she never got that memo.

 And she even said weird things to me about him as well. Though I never really took it as a bad thing. I wasn't offended or anything. But I also didn't realize just how bad she was really.

 I obviously found it strange that another woman wanted him to look like he was her husband when they were outside (?) Even though she claimed she didn't. She said she just looooved how people "assumed" that he was her husband πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ uuugh...

I think he cut her off pretty soon after that if I remember correctly.πŸ€” He couldn't handle her fucking shit. And I felt sorry for "forcing" him to hang out with her. When he told me that he didn't wanna have anything to do with her anymore, I knew she had probably taken it too far and he was serious, so I told him to just stop then. Just quit. Block her and ignore her. So he did.

But see, even then I wasn't jealous, I was annoyed at her being so psychotic pushing my man too far. But I wasn't jealous. I know my snuggletree. I know him better than anyone. πŸ’•

But I really didn't like how she treated him. πŸ˜’
She was aware of how Frost was. She knew he was shy and anti social, yet she continuously tried to put him through awkward and weird shit publicly. Like trying to make him look like he was her husband and stuff, forcing him to be social outside with people he didn't know.
That shit was not cool.

And for that, I disliked her. Simple as that.

She could try to steal my man, but I knew she'd loose the battle lmao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

We both ended up blocking her though... Cause she wouldn't let it go πŸ˜‘ She kept contacting me saying sorry and that "she just wanted to talk" πŸ™„
This was my bad... I let that person in. So for that I felt a little crappy about it haha

Wow... I ended up writing so much weird junk here.

Well I'm gonna go play Borderlands with Frost now.
Freyster is staying with mom and Lasse tonight. So Frost & I are gonna have an adult night haha
No idea what an adult night is, but we're having it πŸ˜‚

1 comment:

  1. Aye! I think the haircut suits him too! However he was shaved when you started chatting, wasn't he? πŸ‘€ I think I remember those photos

    And jealously is also a sign of insecurity so it's a good sign if someone doesn't feel that way. I tend to rationalize it like "if they cheat is has nothing to do with how good of a partner I am". Usually it's about insecurity and immaturity so... Who wants that in a relationship? Not meπŸ˜’

    Anyways lol on that woman. She might need to talk tho. To a therapist.


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