Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Fika is Good for the soul (or so I hear)

I forgot to mention that despite me having a complete shit week.... And I mean SHIT. It was literally like someone was taking a shit all over me day after day. Yeah.... Lovely fucking week. (Basic EDS shit... It's way better today though)
But despite that.... I did manage to have a real nice fika with mom. And that, THAT was much needed . Yep.

And while I did enjoy the fika... I didn't really enjoy the nausea and barfing that came after it as much. But what're you gonna do huh? 🀷🏻‍♀️
You just gotta appreciate the good times. 😁 I always do πŸ––πŸ»πŸ––πŸ»πŸ––πŸ»

Now, this is a new week, new possibilities.... blah blah blah.
While it MAY have started incredibly bad for Frost 😬 there's still hope though lol he's always been a worrywart.

See... He's a fucking genius when it comes to machines and assembling shit and repairing things, yet somehow he is only able to see the negative in him. Tsk tsk tsk.... but I SEE it. I see ALL of him. πŸ–€ and I love it all.
And I wish he could see himself through my eyes.

I mean, I suppose it's like that for most people πŸ€” Right?
 I think most people would get a confidence boost if they could see themselves through the eyes of their loved ones. πŸ‘€ I do, cause he tells me all the time πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
But I say "most".... Cause some of y'all have awful fucking partners. Toxic, abusive or energy sucking assholes. 🀬
Some of y'all ain't that bad, but together you might turn into toxic beings that hurt one another.🀷🏻‍♀️ Who knows, but when separated you turn into yourselves again.

But my point is aimed towards you who's with someone that loves you. You should try to see yourself through their eyes. Just try. Hear what they say. Believe in them.
See, Frost is a knucklehead that can't see how amazing he is. But I try to remind him. πŸ–€
 He's my snuggletree after all πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
And a tree is never lonely cause the koala is always holding on to it. Imagine a koala without a tree to be in..... Now that's just fucked up man.

(Also, I just had to take a pic of him right now... I mean. Look. πŸ˜‚ It's meant to be y'all)

But anyway.... He sucks as seeing how amazing he is.

Same with my sister.... I see her as a really fucking strong and clever woman. Resourceful, thoughtful, interesting... and so brave and funny AF and beautiful. Fickle yet so reliable.
But like Frost... She can't see that.

As usual, my posts always turn into some random fucked up shit haha πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

But I'd like think that some of the things I write matters to someone.

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