Saturday, March 17, 2012


sometimes I wonder how people they use their brain... or if they're even using it at all. I just remembered something that happened a while ago.  It's fascinating that "some" seem to think that their opinion actually matters? Well, it might matter to some, but certainly not to me. I honestly don't giva a flying fuck about what two boring women thinks about my looks, or my hair or the way I dress. That my eyes are TOO BIG AND TOO BLUE (are you fucking kidding me?!) Too many piercings in my ears, and too "colorful tattoos". hah. it's not the fact that I HAVE tattoos that bothers them, it's that theyr'e "too colorful" aye? Now that certainly does sound logical. Really. Not only that but they kept treating me like I was some dirty braindead swedish whore... I was starting to actually get annoyed.  Now, here's my first mistake that I made. Making a sarcastic comeback comment while looking as evil as possible and then finish it off with a cute "ehe~" and a smile.

Not good.

My comment was btw "see, if this was YOUR country, I would've stoned you by now."
Yeeeeaaaah.... not the best thing to say when this is the part of town where white people are a rarety. Good one Joanna. *thumbs up* But when I get narked my mouth just runs faster than my brain. (not just when I'm narked or angry...this happens basically all the time... -.-) Not one of my good points I guess.

The second mistake was to look down on them (since our hights were quite far apart) my 5 ft 8 VS their little  4 ft 11something, and smug grin on my face and let out a self satiesfied "..heh.."  And Boom. They blew up, yelling in a language, I almost thought was a long forgotten language from the muppet show. (no idea what they said either, but I can guess ^^) This was just a reflex btw...I do that when I feel like someone below me are insulting me. tehe~

And the third mistake: Me waving and saying" now now hags, calm down and drink your tea. Ta-Ta!"


I am brilliant in making enemies.

The consequenses of all this was a lot of vegetables flying, (think I saw a mango flying as well) and a sock. And a whoooole lot of words in an unknown language as well as maaany many many bad words in swedish. You know, that's probably the first thing they learn when learning swedish. "whore, slut, ulgy, bitch" yeah you get the picture?

Funniest part is that I never knew I was such a provocative person. well, I knew but I had no idea I was this big of a cunt haha. I've always been told that I have a gift for pissing people off, since I'm such a provocative and mischievous girl  and tbfh I think I might  sometimes get off at making people as angry as possible with very little effort, just for the fun of it. ^^ All this is easily learnt by observing people. It's not hard to see what triggers their anger. trolololol

anyway, yeah.......

I should add that I have NEVER in my life met these women before.

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