Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I just met the strangest patient today.

She is one of a kind. And she told me 'I wish that I could have ONLY you, coming here. I just want you. You're such a unique and beautiful creature. I can tell that you're very happy and so in love with your boyfriend. He gives you so much doesn't he? I can see that you are loved. Cause you're a person who's glowing. So much energy. I've never met anyone like you. If it's possible, can you come here instead of the others when you work?'

Wow. I've never been told this before just like that... She said she thought I was amazing after like 5 minutes.

And she was super sweet and she loves life even though she's not really living it. People like her are the amazing ones. Being grateful for what they have even if they can't move or do anything.

'I love life' is what she said.

1 comment:

  1. That lady knows her stuff. <3 You are a glowing masterpiece of love. Believe it!!


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