Sunday, August 25, 2013

Some midnight cleaning

well, there was a slight change of plans tonight.  I'm not sleepy at all cause I had a nap earlier so I could stay awake tonight, and no one is awake at this hour. Plus..... I had some sugar... Just a little... And a ton of coffee... So I'm like on speed right now. ZOOM ZOOM And I suddenly found myself to be super bored...
But, me is clever... I've done some cleaning. Lots of it actually. But it only took like half an hour.. I'm still super awake... Sooooo I've taken bunches of sleeping pills so it'll knock me out. Yep. I mean, I don't feel like hanging out with anyone at the moment anyway... My bed is more appealing lol Sometimes it's nice being home alone.

I played some Xbox with baby though. He helped me out cause I couldn't overcome that level haha! He's such a good boyfriend <3 It was fun! I was so angry about the game earlier... Gosh.

Tomorrow is my only day off. And I'ma have to clean every little nook and cranny then cause big bro's coming home -_- No more peace. Hah.

And maybe I'll even bake some bread. Nom.

Well.. I feel dizzy now.

I wish I had a soft air gun... There's so many confused drunks outside tonight. I could pretend they're zombies and I'm a hero! YaY!

Night world!

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