Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1st


Much autumn, such orange, wow.

It's such a nice day. :) We had a nice walk, the air is fresh and the weather is nice. I've got plans for tonight, so tonight is Frost's "alone-time" so he can relax and have a quiet time and whatever. I think he'll nap... I'm pretty sure of it. haha

Freya is getting better. Finally.
She hasn't been able to poop properly these past few days, which resulted in an angry baby that screamed all the time. And that resulted in a frustrated Jo. (I'm sorry) And I took out my frustration on the people around me too.. Mostly Frost and Lei Lei. I've rasied my voice, screamed at Lei Lei maaaany times. I've even growled. I've lost my temper needless to say. I had a fight with my coffee cup yesterday even -_-

The nurse kinda stirred up some emotions too, making me scared of SID. Of course I was aware of that before, and I worried about it too... But thanks to her that's like ALL I've been thinking about for these past few days. But I've been mostly occupied with Freyas screaming and not knowing what's wrong...
So I did some research on how to understand babies etc. And voilá. I understand my babypuff better. And she finally pooped yesterday. No more super angry baby. She slept quietly from 11pm to 4am. I breastfed her and she went back to sleep till 8am. And then slept till 11am.  Wonderful.

Unfortunately I didn't really sleep at all last night cause my mind was so set on her being grumpy like these past few nights (with no sleep and screaming like crazy) So I just didn't manage to sleep even though she was so peaceful.

It's really been bothering me that she hasn't been able to poop properly and throw up and shit, it's painful and frustrating to see your baby in pain and not being able to do anything. So I was sooooo fucking happy when she took a huge dump yesterday.
And this morning too.

Massive poop! YAY!

Hooray for poop!!!

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