Wednesday, September 11, 2013

pew pew pew!

Love beams all over the place!
*aims at Frost* PEW PEW!

I'm much better now. The flu seems to be gone. The cough is not. But because I has a rare case of acute bronchitis and mycoplasma two years ago... I'll always be a half dead poot when I get a cold or the flu. And I will continue to cough for a long time. Ain't nothing we can do about it.

Good thing I rarely get sick at all. Once every two years or so ^_^

Me having a disease is a whole other story though. Having a disease is something I can't get rid of. So I don't consider myself as sick all the time, cause that is something I am very used to nowadays. It's an everyday thing.

So apart from what may come along with my disease, I seriously am always healthy. I never get sick.

But when I do.

I die.

lol I turn into a Zombie.

It's time for a walk with the pigbear now.
And then a nap, before work starts again.  I'm still pissed at an old 100 year old lady. She is by far, the meanest bitch i've ever come across. I'm not kidding when I say that Hitler seemed like a more polite and nice person than her.

I could feel the back of my hand twitching lol

Playing and twisting words is something I am very good at. But that old granny, she's way out of my league.

She basically called my mother a whore without even using a single bad word.

Cudos to her. Impressive.

So I called a MEANIE.

Literally. -_-

Yus. I ain't allowed to use foul language when I work.
I did however tell her that if she wants help, she better shut up and accept it. I stared her in the eyes and said 'no ones coming for you.. there's only me.' lol I had fun saying that.

if you want my help, then stop yelling, stop being so EVIL and respect me instead of looking down at my job and mock me. otherwise I'll just put down your cup that you so badly wanted and leave. Let's see how well you can take care of yourself then.

Jo - 1++++
Evil wicked granny - 0


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