Tuesday, September 2, 2014



Our newest family member arrived yesterday.
Our beloved Xbox One! iiih!

It's amaaaaazing. It really is. And I LOVE the new controllers. I like it a LOT. haha

I can't wait till we can buy some games for it too.
I want CoD Advanced Warfare, and Ghosts. And Halo5 and spartan assault tooooo. And Destiny. Yeah. Gosh... there's so many games.

Only down part is that they seem to have killed the couch co op mode. Like you can't play co op on a slit screen anymore. It has to be done online. Which means I'd need another xbox and another TV to be able to enjoy some games with honey. Boo.... but hey, things might change huh?

People still love playing a game with someone they like.. so in the end, that shit ain't gonna work.

Ooooh, Last night. Freya was a real loud one. -_- Like wooow.... All she did was screaming. She was batshit crazy last night and I felt my patience simmering... But eventually my little angelpuff fell asleep (aound 3am....) And I could sleep some as well before getting up at 8. Bleh..had a doctors appoinment after 9. it sucked.


Freya has however been such a docile and snuggly baby aaaaall day today. My snugglelump.
 But I bet she'll snap sooner or later. She has a tendency to be adorable and calm all day and then let the screams from hell come out. For hours.

But that's ok. I finally learnt how to take naps during the day with her :D
It only took me two weeks to learn............................

it can take up to two months before a baby gets her routines. So I'll just have to be patient.

I'm getting a wee bit sleepy..but daddy and mommy still have some alone time left to spend haha

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