I'm gonna watch a horror movie soon, while Frost plays some Madden. I'ma watch 'Find Me'. Same old ghostly stories really. But it might be good. And it might not be. Who knows? I'll let ya know later.
Yesterday we watched '7500'. I thought it was ok, I like movies with a different plot twist like that. Now that I think about it, I watched a similar one.. not on a plane but in a house. I think me and my sister watched it. And that was good one. it has the same kinda twist in it. Gosh...what was i called again? I'll have to ask my sister I guess.
But anyway... Find Me. Yup. Oggaboggabooo!
Oh, and I read something about a new movie written by JK Rowling. Could be fun. :D I like fairytale animals and junk :)
Btw, sooooooooooooooooooooooon...soon. Soon Jessebelle, and another one called Annabelle will be released, WOHO! Two very creepy horror movies.
if anyone has seen The Conjouring, Annabelle is about the doll they show in the beginning of the movie. Like a spinnoff I suppose. And THAT was a good movie.
But anyway, I'll tell you if Find Me is worth watching or not later :D
Also... a movie called "as above, so below" is coming soon *^* AWW YIS.