Sunday, September 28, 2014

Yep, pacifiers, vitamins and coffee.

Last night was a living hell. Freya just refused to sleep. Nothing was good enough, except laying on me. If I moved a millimeter she'd jump and then scream again. So yeah, needless to say, we didn't sleep last night.

Frost and I got to sleep a little after 5am.
But she woke me up before 7 wanting milk.

She's sleeping right next to me on the sofa now though.
Looking so freakin' adorable.

She was laying in her bed smiling and giggling earlier, of course she'd stop as soon as I picked up my phone to film her lol
She's always such a cutie pootie during the day time. And at night she'll either lay and stare at me, try to poop and then cry like crazy. Or just want her mommy constantly and cry if she doesn't get her way. A quick pee for me is actually harder than you'd think.

I feel like a bag of crap today.
No amount of coffee seems to help either. Stupid headache... And my back feels like someone jumped on it. Blah....
And I know it's kinda cold today, but I'm fucking sweating. -_-

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