Sunday, September 7, 2014

Long blogpost.

I've forgotten to blog lately. Ooops.
In my defense, my brain ain't working properly lately haha

And I'm all out of energy. I think I'll turn of my phone for a few days in a bit, so I can recharge and be alone.

So anywaaaay...
Welp, this weekend has been calm. Sorta.
Nas and Sofia and Alicia was here yesterday. Nas made fried chicken. And I fucking LOVE fried chicken. Mmm... And Sofia made a delicious blueberry pie. (I've been crazing that for some time now)

Freya was pissed all day though. And the entire evening too. But once they left, I sat down and breastfed her for a LONG time and she fell asleep. Finally. With my boob. Haha Boobsnuggles!
Here's the amazing part, she slept from like 00:30 or something...till 6 or 7am. :O
We got to sleep!
And we've continued to sleep all day basically.
I've felt like shit ALL day. Still do.
Massive headache and nausea.
We took a "nap" around noon... With Freya by our side of course.
And we woke up like 4 hours later. -.-
Yeah.. We overslept.

We were going to go look on a bigger apartment. And mom was gonna drive. And we woke up like riiiiiight before we had to go. Good job us.

We LOVED the apartment, an we want it.
But I could read the dude pretty well.
It ain't gonna happen. I saw that on him.

But our time will come. :)

It's football season now!
It's the playoffs today and Frost is super excited! YaaaaY!
Freya is watching to, duh.
Well, she passed out a while ago but I swear she was watching earlier. Haha Something amazing just happened too. An awesome touchdown. It really was amazing though.

Aaaah, my head. I need to sleep, or not? Meh.

I like to take pictures of Freya haha can you tell?

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