Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 24th : Mom's birthday

Yesterday was mom's birthday. πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽŠ
My brother and I got her a lemon tree πŸ‹ and a limited edition Body Mist from Rituals πŸ’—
I hope she liked it. 'Cause I really thought hard about it.πŸ’­

'Cause I heard about a month ago or so that she wanted a lemon tree, but then Josse told Daniel that she didn't want it anymore, which made me panic 'cause that's what we wanted to buy. But then she eventually told me that she still wanted it, she just said no to it 'cause it was too expensive. And so, I felt much better about it.
And while I spent some time on google to find something from Rituals, my brother sat down at Soleo bar and had coffee ☕ haha So he sat there chillin' while I picked out the perfect gift lol

I didn't manage to take any pictures at moms place really. I forgot I brought it with me til Freya asked me to take a picture of her eating strawberries haha

But I really do hope mom liked her gifts.
The reason I went with a body mist was 'cause, if you've ever been in her bathroom... you'd know that she has like 10 different shampoos, and 8 different showers creams and soaps..... So I didn't really feel like adding to it. πŸ‘€ But I still wanted it to be from Rituals. And when I was looking around, I realized... Mom doesn't own a Body Mist. πŸ’
Body Mists are good, and leaves you with a fresh feeling really, plus it's better for the skin than perfumes during the summer.
So instead of adding to her shampoo and soap collecting, I started a new one haha

After the party, Freya and I was gonna ride mybike home 'cause she was soooooo sleepy.πŸ’€ But then Daniel asked if she wanted to hear how his motorcycle wroomed... aaaaand of course she wanted that πŸ˜’ So off we went to the garage. She's always wanted to go there, cause she wants to see what daddy's been working on with Daniel. So she actually got to see the engine on the car too.

Look at how proud she is haha (FYI, I actually remembered where all the parts on the engine was woooh)

And when he was gonna start the bike, even though she covered her ears... her reaction was just as I expected it to be lol Poor weasel haha

I hope mom had a good day.

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