Monday, December 18, 2017


Everybody seems to complain about the weather right now. And I don't really see why... It could snow a bit more if you ask me 😄

Plus I love snuggling user a warm blanket and watch good stuff. 

I watched like 11 episodes on a row of Erased cause I thought it was so damn good. It's like a Japanese version of the Butterfly effect. A better version too tbh.  Yep.

More of that please ✌🏻


  1. You know...det finns faktiskt en anime jag är intresserad av nu. The ancient magus bride :D It looks epic.

  2. its pretty cute actually.
    weird as heckeliheck.

    störde mig så jävla mkt på arten dock... emellanåt så bara wow this is pretty men direkt därefter WHY IS HER FACE SO FUCKED?!


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