Saturday, May 4, 2019


Alright, Hi~
I'm still alive πŸ˜…
(remember how I said that antibiotics makes me really sick? Yeah, they still do hah)

So, obviously this weekend didn't quiiiiite turn out as planned, considering how fucking crappy I feel πŸ˜©πŸ‘Ž

So listen, after I got home from the clinic yesterday, I had a fucking terrible headache. And it just got worse every time I coughed *Jayzus fuckong kraizt it was excruciating...*
Well Josse came over and doodled around a bit before I had to hop on the bike and pick up Freyster from daycare.🚲

Buuuuut before I left I made sure to take two of those very expensive and very limited number of pills that the doctor was very adamant that I should take as soon as possible.πŸ˜‘ But take them I did.
And then after a while, I took a shot of my cough syrup too so that I could like...not cough during Freyas doctors appointment. It seemed like a smart idea at the moment.😢 But apparently I didn't like the flavor of the cough syrup... So I projectile vomited and watched as my two expensive limited amount of pills came down in the toilet.

Anyhoooo.... after cleaning myself up, Josse went home and I got ready again and went and picked up the doodle at daycare. See, I had to pick her up on my bicycle cause she had a freakin' meltdown apparently when she and Frost were done at the dentist. I thought for sure I'd be done at the clinic by 10:30 considering I had been there since 8am.😬 And I had promised her that I'd pick her up like that.
So when I didn't show, she was piiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed.

But I finally picked her up at daycare with my bike, and we rode together to the clinic and she was so happy and cute.
The test went well, and then as soon as we came home mom and Lasse showed up to picked her up. And off they went to zinkgruvan.
But because I had a massive headache, and the pills made me nauseous and sleepy, I ended up sleeping away the entire afternoon/evening. When I woke up it was night time already 😳  Butheuuuut since Freyster was away, Frost & I decided to play anthem all night and have a hoot.

And we really had a fun night together haha

I sure do love my dorky man.

And around 5:30, we decided to "call it a night."
I finally felt like my head wasn't hurting that bad anymore, and I thought that maybe I wouldn't cough so much either now since the cough syrup actually worked really well. I figured I felt slightly crappy because of antibiotics.
I even took a nice pic of the sunrise this morning before going to bed.

But all of a sudden, as I was walking up the stairs I suddenly felt woozy and realized that 'Holy fuck I'm gonna barf!' so I stormed inside only to see that Frost was using the bathroom *heartbreak* And he couldn't understand my muffled grunts (cause I was choking on the vomit) So I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it in till he came out so I ran in the kitchen and I was gonna aim for the zink or the trashbag, whatever was closest.......

But I didn't make it.

I threw up aaaall over the kitchen floor... and the walls.... and the fridge... and the cabinet doors....the oven.... every-fucking-where.

So... yeah. While I sat down getting ready for bed, brushing my teeth and cleaning my face... Frost was on his knees cleaning up all my vomit πŸ˜…

I guess you could say that the past 24 hours was kinda like a roller coaster ahaha

But in the end, I did have a great night, and I went to sleep snuggled up against my man. I really appreciated that he cleaned up my mess. I felt really shitty afterwards, my head started pounding again. So it kinda felt nice that I didn't have overexert myself cleaning up my own mess.

So thank you for that honey πŸ™  My snuggletree is the bestπŸ’•

Today we've mostly been resting, I'm still dizzy and nauseous from the antibiotics. But I'm taking them πŸ‘ (and tbh I think I'm already feeling better. And I'm not just saying that so I can quit taking the meds haha I mean it) We also went out for a short bit with Josse. Doing dorky shit.

And then my brother dropped by, he finally got his car moving. He took Frost from me for a while though.............................. but that's cool. I'm a sharebear.

And now it's time for snuggles and then Anthem again πŸ˜ƒπŸ’–

I'm realy happy despite feeling crappy. And Freyster is having so much fun in the summerhouse, so that makes me happy too πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

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