Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Swedish /north mythology

Well, I've noticed that there's quite a few of you that are instrested in norse mythology, especially swedish. Let me tell you, that since sweden, norway and denmark all used to be one big country our myths and creatures are all the same but different names.

So, I'll tell you about a few.
Skogsrået. Ramon was intrested in hearing about her so here we go.
(technically, she's probably know to the world as siren of the woods...) But she's not a siren. She's a troll entity.

Skogrået has many names, Huldra, Elverpigen, mosekonen, or even Vittra in other parts of sweden. But she's mostly knows as Skogrået. She lives deep in the dark forests. She is said to be the most fairest of women, But also the most repulsive one. Depends on what her mood is. Her back on the other hand is hollow, and looks like a rotten tree trunk and she has a tail. Which she is very ashamed of having (for some odd reason, personally I find a tail AWESOME but hey..) In some parts of sweden, especially up north and other pasture fields it is said that her tail looks like a fox's tail. What I've heard from old people (and many of my old patients) is that she had dark dark hair, sometimes even green.

Some say that if a man made love to her, he would stop speaking. Cause his soul would remain with her. She lured men into the deep forests and if she liked them she'd seduce them, and if she didn't like them she'd mislead them, making them get lost and disappear in the dark woods.

In some parts, mainly Svealand (where I come from) and southern Norrland, She is said to have cattle in the forest whom she herded. She would also have a dog there.

She could be kind to those who had shown kindness to her though. As a hunter, it was very important to stay on Skogsråets good side. She would then bring you good hunting fortune. She would blow down the riffle barrel making the weapon unable to miss it's aim. BUT she would also make it so it could'nt shoot one of her own riding mooses. She would also help little chaletgirls wth their cattle...

According to old stories from the northic mythology,  Oden held a grudge against Skogrået and he would hunt her like she was a prey.

Despite Skogrået being a solitary entity,  she might've belonged to (hard to translate this) the colletive entitys similar to the southern swedish trolls.

well, I think that it turned into a long blogpost so this will have to do for now :D haha
Next time, I think I'll write about Näcken :D Mesa mesa like Näcken!

1 comment:

  1. Fucking awesome. Thank you, thank you for this Jo jo. Can't wait for the next one.


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