Sunday, March 29, 2015


Well Good morning to you all :)
I've been up since 9 ^^ Freya let me sleep a wee bit longer this morning. (Hope you guys in Sweden changed the time on your clocks?) Aaaanyway.

I made chiapudding last night. And omfg it's so rich that I can't fucking eat more than a few spoons. But I think I did an amazing job at making it. Cause it was actually really tasty. Chocolaty and banana and cream. Yum? Yes. Yum.
And I made Frost breakfast in bed. A sourdough sandwich grilled in the oven with turkey, cheese, cream cheese, sambal olek and lettuce and onions. *Splendid wife awards goes to...* haha

Ah and Freya ate banana goo and whipped cream. :)

I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen Freya as hungry as she's been these past 24 hours. After food striking for a few days I guess hunger took over and she's basically been living ON my boob. Like a leech. lol Plus she ate the bananacream without complaints. Thumbs up for that.

I wish Freya would at least like the bottle, and suckle on that. But no. She wont drink from a bottle. Nor will she drink from her mug (she hasn't quite figured it out yet) and she really doesn't wanna eat that much big girl food either...YET. So all I can do is continue to breastfeed till she's ready to eat real food and drink from a cup. Yep.

I don't mind breastfeeding her :) She's 7 months old. And I'll continue till she's done with that. It would however make me really happy if she wanted to eat a whole meal of what I cook for her haha

But whatever :3
As long as my poot is healthy and happy I just don't give a fuck :D

Ah I got a nice comment about a week ago haha Gotta share it:

'I hate when parents put up pics of their kids eating...gross. Yet I love seeing Freya covered in food. She's still supercute!'.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!! I know right?!
She IS cute!

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