Saturday, December 13, 2014


I fucking love making Detox water these days.
Cause you get so many vitamins, plus you get to detox your system as well as rehydrating yourself. Now I know it's not that big of a deal, and I have a long way to go, but it's a good step on the right direction though :D

And I absolutely love this jar. It's my water jar from now on. YAY!

This was made with one orange, half a lemon and half a lime and a fist full of raspberries. Nom.

My dear mother gave this jar to me, and a heating pad for my back. <3 Oh the waaaaaaarmth...aaaaaah... *feelerz everywhere*


  1. Pretty!
    Thanks for your comment, it means a lot to me! It was and still is the best feeling to hold her. I

    Hope you, frost and freya are doing well. God bless you all x

  2. And have an amazing Christmas, give my love to freya and thumbs up to frost :D


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