Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Good Samaritan

It's been an eventful day so far.

A beautiful thing happened earlier...a man I don't really know, but only conversed a little with about LeiLei's condition and such wrote me. I had asked for his advice about what kind of food LeiLei should have since she's sick (pancreatic) And the brand he works for seemed legit. And I wanted to know the price as well since it's hard to afford all these top notch veterinarian foods. (it's riddiculously expensive sometimes...............)

So today I got an email from that kind kind man.
And he said that tomorrow there will arrive a package for me at the petstore with 40 500 gram pieces of fresh food for LeiLei. As a gift from him.  He said he'd been there as well, he knew how hard it could be to spend so much money on your dog when it's sick.

Holy crapweasel the joy I'm feeling.

500 gram a day is what she should eat. So it'll last for 40 days, <------------ and this is good food too. Fresh meat. She should be allowed to be the animal she is. And not eat dry pebbles of food. She should eat meat. <3 This is awesome!

This was the most compassionate and sweet gesture... A burden has been lifted from my shoulders.

I'm so happy! It made me happy to know that someone so kind is out there.
Kindness is a rarity these day. It really is. There's usually some hidden agendas behind peoples actions these days. But this stranger has none. :)

And it's such a nice day too!
And last night was awesome too.. Good golly. <3

And now to something less pleasant.
Earlier when I went to the playground with Freya...a man was jerking off behind a bush behind the swings! LIKE WHAT THE ACTUALLY FUCKING FUCK ARE YOU DOING MAN? I wanted to do something, throw something. What should I say? And then I realized I had Freya in the stroller...so I called the cops on his ass instead.

Although I kinda wanted to hunt him down myself a little. But hey, I'm fat and slow. What am I gonna do? Nasty pervert.

The police came so fast, and they were so sweet too. And they really did their best to find him. Unfortunately I couldn't ID the guy they caught, he had all the same clothes and everything I had seen but I got uncertain...I didn't wanna accidentally ID an innocent man so they had to let him go.

If I ever see the man again I'll fucking throw dogshit on him and then hunt him down.

Fucking nasty asshole.

1 comment:

  1. You could have just started laughing at him. Just stared at him dead in the eye and laughed your ass off.
    That would have been wonderful.


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