Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dinner & Jordskott

I ate a simple yet spicy salad while indulging myself in series marathons today.
I watched all episode of Jordskott  :)
Such awesome and magical tales.
Old scandinavian folklores in modern times.

I REALLY like it. It's magical, mysterious, beautiful and creepy at the same time.
It's got skogrå, water nymphs, trolls and other creatures in it :D
It's like mystery, drama, thriller....and supernatural (yaaaay) Ya'll should watch it.
My sister sent me a link and I watched it straight while knitting.

Ah, and I think Mandy and Chris would LOVE this.
I found some episodes out on the interwebs with en subs actually.
So many sure you guys check that out ok?

1 comment:

  1. Jords...kott? Does that mean "earth-meat"?

    In any case, thanks for the heads-up :D That's what I love about Scandinavians...they all hold those magical tales true to their hearts.


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