Sunday, October 14, 2012

Now we need to take a moment and discuss about these damn milk jugs. Or rather, I'll discuss you listen. Hah cause its my blog lol

I've lost count at how many times I've spilled milk on the table now. And on the floor. I can't fucking aim with this milk box thingy...... How the heeeeell do they do that really? Frost never spills. Bit when I do it myself it goes everywhere. -_- quite annoying I tell you. Well, it's ok as long as no one sees me do it.

Once you see it, I'd have to kill you.

But seriously.... Milk comes flying everywhere. I have however found a way to do it without making a huge mess. But the box needs to be half full and I have to hold it outside the table and lean it towards it and the coffee mug. Yep. I find ways. I can solve aaaaaaanything. Cause I'm like Sherlock.

1 comment:

  1. Did you get a case of the Milky Bewbs again?


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